ZEIT.IO is a platform for time recording and billing. Customers can manage their customers, employees, projects and invoices on ZEIT.IO.
It often happens that a customer specifies certain numbers which they expect to see on the incoming invoice. For example, many customers expect the order number (or PO number) on the invoice. The order number is of course a standard field in ZEIT.IO projects and if it is stored, it will also appear automatically on the associated invoices. Sometimes it also happens that the customer wants a very special designation and number on the invoice. For this purpose, there are dynamic invoice fields in the invoice form, with which one can put any name and value combination on the invoice. The combination then appears on the invoice at the top right in the header.
If regular outgoing invoices are created for the same customer, it can happen that people forget to put these values on the invoice. This is a popular source of error. To remedy this, from today on you can also define these dynamic fields directly at the customer object.
The advantage of this is that you only have to store the values once with the customer and every time a new project is created for the customer, the dynamic fields from the customer are transferred to the dynamic fields of the project. This means that the dynamic fields also appear automatically in the associated projects.
In the project itself, the dynamic fields can of course be further edited or overwritten. If an outgoing invoice is created for the project, the dynamic fields from the project are transferred directly to the outgoing invoice.
This means that the values do not have to be re-entered every time a new outgoing invoice is created. The source of error that the biller forgets to put the values on the bill is thus eliminated. And of course the values can be removed from the calculation again if you wish.