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1.1: REIZ Solutions GmbH, Neckarauer-Waldweg 27, D-68199 Mannheim (hereinafter: Provider), operates a cloud service for budgeting, digital time tracking, and invoicing projects for agencies and freelancers (hereinafter: Service) at the web address ZEIT.IO (hereinafter: Website).
1.2: All offers and services of the Provider are provided exclusively on the basis of these Terms of Use (hereinafter also: "Terms and Conditions" or "Conditions"). These conditions apply to all registered users of the website (hereinafter: User). By registering, the User agrees to the exclusive validity of these Terms of Use.
1.3: These Terms and Conditions apply exclusively; counter-confirmations or general terms and conditions of the user are expressly rejected. This also applies if the user submits or accepts an offer with reference to the priority of their own Terms and Conditions, or if the provider performs the service without reservation in the knowledge of conflicting or deviating terms and conditions of the user.
1.4: The version of the Terms of Use current at the time of registration applies, which is always available in its current version on the website.
1.5: The provider makes the service available only to entrepreneurs (Section 14 of the German Civil Code (BGB)) and not to consumers (Section 13 of the German Civil Code (BGB). By registering, the user confirms that they are acting as an entrepreneur within the meaning of Section 14 of the German Civil Code (BGB), i.e., in the exercise of their commercial or independent professional activity.
2.1: The provider reserves the right to change the Terms of Use. The user will be expressly informed of the changes in an appropriate manner, pointed out the highlighted amended passages, and asked for their consent. As a rule, the notice is published on the website. The provider reserves the right to decide how the user is made aware of the changes.
2.2: If no consent is given within a reasonable period of 14 days from receipt of the notification of the amended Terms and Conditions, the provider has a special right of termination with effect from the end of the calendar month following the end of the period. When informing the user about the changes, the provider will specifically draw their attention to the significance of their behavior.
2.3: In the event of a timely objection by the user, the provider is entitled to terminate the registration for use of the website service at the time the revised terms of use are to come into effect.
3.1: After registration, the provider provides the user with access to the website and the use of the functionalities offered there.
3.2: The main functionalities allow the user to create customers and projects on the website, record time and expenses for these customers and projects, and invoice them.
3.3: Furthermore, agencies can conclude contracts with freelancers/employees via the website. An agency can draft a contract on the website and then send it to a freelancer/employee via email. The freelancer/employee can then view the contract on the website and accept or reject it there. Once such a contract has been accepted, it is unchangeable and visible to both parties on the website. Such a contract is concluded exclusively between the agency and the freelancer/employee, not with the provider. The provider merely provides the functionality.
3.4: The provider strives to ensure maximum accessibility within its sphere of influence. The provider guarantees availability within its own sphere of influence, provided that minor periods of unavailability for the purpose of system maintenance cannot be ruled out. The provider will carry out such maintenance measures, where possible and reasonable, outside of normal business hours. If unavailability lasting more than one hour is foreseeable due to maintenance during normal business hours, the provider will notify the user in advance on the website or by email. The Provider has no influence on the availability, stability, and functionality of the Internet as a whole or the third-party infrastructure required to establish a connection to the Provider's service (access providers, backbones, DNS servers, etc.) and therefore cannot guarantee availability for such circumstances and is not liable for them.
3.5: The Provider does not guarantee a specific level of availability for any existing free usage options. The Provider naturally strives to ensure the highest level of accessibility within its sphere of influence.
4.1: By registering, the User receives access to the Service (hereinafter: Account). The Account contains the non-transferable authorization to use the Service for the registered User. There is no right to registration or to granting of use by the provider.
4.2: During registration, the user chooses a password with which they can log in in the future. The user is responsible for the security and strength of this password. The provider points out that passwords should generally contain at least twelve uppercase and lowercase letters, as well as special characters and numbers. The user must keep their password strictly confidential and not disclose it to third parties.
4.3: Anonymous registration under a pseudonym is not possible. An actual and available email address of the user must be provided. The user confirms that they are actually using the email address they have provided and that this address exists.
4.4: The provider reserves the right to delete or block accounts under the conditions specified in Section 7 of these terms and conditions.
4.5: The website's usage options can be adjusted, expanded, or discontinued at any time. The user generally does not acquire any right to the existence, persistence, or future implementation of certain functionalities and usage options, unless the provider has assumed a corresponding contractual obligation to provide such services.
4.6: The provider may restrict access to the services (temporarily or permanently) if the security of network operations, the maintenance of network integrity, and in particular the prevention of serious disruptions to the network, software, or stored data, so require.
5.1: The prices for using the service can be found in the separate price list or in the freely accessible area of ​​the website. A distinction is generally made between an agency account and a freelancer account.
5.2: All prices quoted are net prices plus the applicable statutory VAT.
5.3: All amounts are – unless otherwise agreed – due immediately and must be paid in full without deduction.
5.4: In the event of default by the user, the provider is entitled to demand default interest and other damages at the statutory rate in accordance with Section 288 of the German Civil Code (BGB), as a minimum. The right to claim further damages or higher interest on another legal basis remains unaffected.
All trademark rights, rights to business names, name rights, trademark rights, copyrights, ancillary copyrights, and other rights to the website itself, its individual graphic and textual elements, and its functionalities and services belong solely to the provider and may not be used, distributed, copied, reproduced, made publicly available, performed, broadcast, or otherwise exploited without the provider's prior written consent. No transfer of exploitation or other rights to the user takes place.
7.1: The provider reserves the right to exclude individual users. The provider is entitled to delete or block certain accounts and/or prevent these accounts from participating in the service or from using certain functionalities or usage options. For paid accounts, this applies in the event of an important reason for extraordinary termination. Such a reason exists in particular if there are actual indications that justify the suspicion that
7.2: The user will be informed of the blocking or deletion and the reasons for it, if possible and reasonable, or immediately afterward, and will be given the opportunity to comment or lodge an objection. The comment or objection will be reviewed by the provider, and in cases where the blocking or deletion proves to be inadmissible, the account will be reactivated. In cases of doubt, the burden of proof lies with the user. The user must explain and prove that, contrary to the provider's suspicions, they have acted in accordance with the rules and that there is no reason for the blocking.
7.3: In the case of a paid account, the blocking or deletion of the account also means termination for good cause by the provider. Any remaining balance the user may have at this time will be refunded. The prepaid period will be paid out pro rata, less the actual possible period of use.
8.1: The user is obligated to compensate the provider for any damages resulting from a breach of the user's obligations, unless the user is not responsible for the breach.
8.2: The user indemnifies the provider against liability to third parties in the event of non-compliance with its obligations. The user will reimburse the provider for any resulting damages, including legal fees, lost profits, etc. This does not apply if the user is not responsible for the breach.
9.1: The Provider will remedy any defects in the website or service reported by the User. The User must notify the Provider of such defects, detailing the specific manifestations of the defect in such a way that the Provider can reproduce the defect.
9.2: Termination by the User pursuant to Section 543 Paragraph 2 Sentence 1 No. 1 of the German Civil Code (BGB) due to failure to provide contractual use is only permissible if the Provider has been given sufficient opportunity to remedy the defect and this has failed. Failure to remedy the defect shall only be deemed to have failed if it is impossible, if it is expressly refused by the provider or unreasonably delayed, if there are reasonable doubts regarding the prospects of success, or if further waiting until the defect is remedied is unreasonable for the user.
9.3: The provider cannot assume any liability for defects that are not within its area of ​​responsibility. This applies in particular to defects that have their origin outside the provider's communications infrastructure or within the user's communications infrastructure, or that are due to inadequate hardware or software on the part of the user.
9.4: If subsequent performance fails, the user has the right to reduce the agreed remuneration in accordance with the impairment of use and for its duration, to terminate the contract for cause, and to demand compensation and/or reimbursement of wasted expenses under the conditions and within the scope of these Terms of Use.
10.1: If the provider offers a free usage option, this is valid for an indefinite period. A paid account can be used by the user as long as the user pays the applicable fees on time and in full.
10.2: The user has the right to delete their account at any time and thus terminate use. If they do so before the end of the paid period for a paid account, no refund will be issued.
10.3: If the provider offers a free account, they have the right to terminate the usage option at any time and to block or delete the user's account without notice. For a paid account, the provider can terminate the account at the end of the paid period.
10.4: The right to extraordinary termination for good cause remains unaffected for both parties.
11.1: The provider points out that the website does not constitute an archive system.
11.2: The user is obligated to adequately protect themselves against data loss. This includes regular, risk-appropriate, but at least daily, data backups and the creation of backup copies to ensure the reconstruction of data and information in the event of loss. The user is responsible for proper data backup.
12.1: To the extent that free functionalities are offered and used, the Provider is entitled at any time to interrupt the provision of content and the granting of access to the Service, or to terminate them indefinitely or permanently.
12.2: The User has no right to use or grant access unless the Provider has assumed a service obligation to this effect.
13.1: The Provider is only liable for damages resulting from intentional or grossly negligent acts. The provider is also liable for damages resulting from slightly negligent breaches of essential contractual obligations, but in such cases, the damage is limited to the foreseeable, typical, average damage.
13.2: The provider is always liable for damages to life, limb, and health, as well as under the Product Liability Act or other mandatory statutory liability regulations.
13.3: Claims for damages against the provider are excluded if the damage would not have occurred to the user if proper data backups had been carried out within the user's area of ​​responsibility. Furthermore, liability for data loss, except in cases of intent and gross negligence, is limited to the typical recovery costs that would have occurred if backup copies had been made regularly and in accordance with the risk situation.
14.1: The user may only offset undisputed or legally established claims. A right of retention may only be based on claims arising from this contract. The assignment of non-monetary claims against the provider is excluded if the provider has a legitimate interest in the exclusion or if the user's legitimate interests in assignability outweigh the provider's legitimate interests in non-assignability. Furthermore, the user is not entitled to assign or transfer his rights and obligations under the contract without the provider's prior consent.
14.2: The user may only offset counterclaims that are undisputed or legally established.
The German language version of these Terms of Use and other rules/texts of the Provider in connection with the use of the Service is exclusively legally binding. Other language versions are provided solely for the understanding and information of users who do not speak other languages.
16.1: Should any provision of these Terms of Use be or become invalid, or should there be a gap, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.
16.2: If gaps arise in the practical application of the parties' contracts that the parties did not foresee, or if the invalidity of a provision is legally established or agreed upon by both parties, the parties will endeavor to fill or replace the gap or the invalid provision in a factual and appropriate manner, taking into account the economic purpose of the contract.
17.1: The place of performance and jurisdiction for all disputes arising from contractual relationships between the user and the provider is the registered office of the provider.
17.2: German law applies, excluding international provisions such as the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG). If this law refers to foreign legal systems (referrals and further references), these references are invalid.
Version: V1.10 / Status: December 7, 2022