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Contracts with multiple hourly wages

Robert Reiz Robert Reiz | June 01, 2021 | 11:23 UTC
ZEIT.IO is a platform for time recording and invoicing. An agency can set up and manage its contracts with freelancers and permanent employees on ZEIT.IO. Until now it was only possible to define one single hourly wage per contract. However, many freelancers have two or even three different hourly wages that they can book. Very often two different hourly wages are agreed for remote and on-site assignments. Or a separate hourly wage is agreed for arrival/departure time. These constructs can now also be mapped in ZEIT.IO! Now ZEIT.IO supports up to 4 different hourly wages per contract!

If you set up a new contract as an agency, the form now looks like this:

Setting up a freelancer contract in ZEIT.IO

After you have specified the recipient, you can click on the "Multiple hourly wages" button. The form will then expand and input fields for four different hourly wages will appear. Here you can determine which hourly wage you would like to pay the freelancer for:

  • Remote
  • On site 1
  • On site 2 
  • Arrival/Departure 

If you do not want to fill an hourly wage, simply enter a "0". "On site 1" and "On site 2" can, for example, stand for two different locations of a customer.

On the next page you can assign the freelancer directly to a project to which he/she should book times & expenses. This step is optional. You can add the expert to any number of projects in your organisation even after the contract has been signed. If you do this, you can also directly define the cost rates in the project. Here's an example:

Define the billing rate per employee in the project.

A rate can be stored here for each hourly wage that is to be billed to the customer.

The form for the time recording has been adapted accordingly, so that the user can now select the hourly wage with which the time should be recorded.

Recording times at ZEIT.IO

The dropdown "hourly wages" always adapts to the selection of the project. Depending on which project is selected on the left, the hourly wage options are displayed in the right dropdown. Thus, the user can decide with which hourly wage he would like to book a time.

In the table for time recording, the hourly wage category now appears after the time in brackets. For the freelancer it looks like this:

Booked times on ZEIT.IO

If the confirmation process is activated, then at the end of the month the customer can review the time sheet of the freelancer and approve or reject it. So you have a control for the recorded times.